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Youth Circus

Kids classes and workshops

Aerialnastics Ages 4-6 Call to enroll Plans available from $140

Youth aerial arts class designed for children ages 4-6. Age appropriate games and introduction to aerial arts apparatus including: aerial silks, lyra, trapeze, and hammock. Children will learn some basic tumbling and flexibility skills as well.

Youth Cirque for Teens- Call to Enroll Plans available from $140

Youth Cirque Beginner Ages 7-10 years old-Call to enroll Plans available from $140

Registration required. Our youth cirque program is designed to give a well rounded experience to our participants. It is safe, progressive, and enriching. Our youth classes are $89 per month for one day per week. Other options available. Sign up for a specific day of the week.

Youth 11-15 years Intermediate Invite Only Plans available from $140 No purchase required to enroll

Youth Cirque Competitive Pre-Team -Invite Only $40 per class From $37 per visit with 5 Class Pack pass

Registration required. Our youth cirque program is designed to give a well rounded experience to our participants. It is safe, progressive, and enriching. Our youth classes are $89 per month for one day per week. Other options available. Sign up for a specific day of the week.

Youth Cirque Team $40 per class From $28 per visit with 10 Class Pack pass

YOUTH AERIAL OPEN GYM $10 per class From $20 per visit with 10x Open Gyms for $200 pass No purchase required to enroll

Student Team Plans available from $190

Winter Youth Show/Master Student Roster only $110 per class No purchase required to enroll

This is not a class. This is the master roster list for office purposes only,. It is not a showtime. If you receive a reminder about this as a "class" please note it is not a class, it's just the way we programmed the roster to account for all the participants. Thanks

Youth Novice Team $52 per class $400

YOUTH RECITAL DRESS REHEARSAL Free No purchase required to enroll

AR Performance Troupe Auditions | Summer Showcase Free No purchase required to enroll

Youth Team Open Workout $40 per class From $20 per visit with 10x Open Gyms for $200 pass No purchase required to enroll

Reserved open time for our youth Team only.

Youth Show Rehearsal Free No purchase required to enroll

Youth Recital-Master Roster for Payment No purchase required to enroll

This is the roster meant to keep track of who has paid for participation in the spring recital. Not the time of the show. Show times are 1130am and 2pm Saturday and Sunday. You may receive a reminder to attend this as a class, but it is just an administrative place holder.

YOUTH TEAM AUDITION Free No purchase required to enroll

Novice Team Plans available from $190

Emerging Pro Team 90 min Plans available from $140

Emerging Pro Team (Sat) Plans available from $350

Youth Team Choreography Private Classes No purchase required to enroll

Youth Recital Purchase required to enroll

Youth Acrobatics Beginner Level Plans available from $140 No purchase required to enroll

Youth Acrobatics Intermediate Level Plans available from $140 No purchase required to enroll

Aerialnastics Ages 3-5 $40 per class Plans available from $110 No purchase required to enroll

Dress Rehearsal Team Comp Routines Free Purchase required to enroll